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HighLoft Saves You Money: Upgraded manufacturing capabilities create a Pad that's sturdy and soft but has a higher loft than standard mats for greater economy without compromising sorbency. Between SingleWeight and MediumWeight but able to take in 30 times its own weight in liquids!
Fast-Acting for Quick Response: MeltBlown polypropylene creates high surface area that enables SonicBonded Mat to quickly soak up liquids on contact.
High Absorbency Keeps It on the Job Longer: A random assembly of large-diameter MeltBlown poly fibers creates a lofty Pad. Mat absorbs high volumes of liquid fast. Great for catching overspray or soaking up spills.
Ultrasonic Bond Points Keep Mat Intact: Ultrasonic bond points fuse layers of fibers together — Mat keeps its shape even when completely saturated. "Dimples" add fast-wicking power.
Color-Coded: Color-coding helps you visually identify the right sorbent for your needs. Grunge-hiding Gray signifies universal sorbency for oils, coolants, solvents and water.